Radiation Treatment Planning
We are providing user-friendly software, SmART-ATP and SmART-XPS, that integrates with dedicated preclinical image-guided micro-irradiation platforms, to assist radiation biologists and medical physicists to deliver precision irradiation to small laboratory specimens.
Plastinated Specimens for Quality Assurance or Study (click on photo to view)
At Smart Scientific Solutions we have created a line of plastinated small animal specimen that are ideal for routine quality assurance of image-guided irradiators because they are biologically inert, rigid and, replicate the anatomy that is used as seen this this brochure PlastiCreatures .

Routine Preclinical CT Calibration Phantom
The routine QA phantoms consist of known tissue-mimicking material that are ideally suited for preclinical CT number calibration or for further dual energy CT research when using a dedicated image-guided micro-IR or preclinical in vivo CBCT devices.
The routine QA/DE-CT phantoms consist of a validation and calibration phantom as an independent test to determine and assess the accuracy and precision of DE-CT material decomposition algorithms. Technical information is provided for you here RoutineQA_DECT_Phantoms .